The Waldorf Homeschooling Method

The Waldorf Homeschooling Method The Waldorf Homeschooling method has been developed from the work of Rudolf Steiner. This method lays emphasis on educating the whole child. The mind, body and soul which embody a child persona are given equal importance in this type of training. In the beginning the children are trained in various areas … Read more

Unschooling Home School Method

It was a public education officer by the name of John Holt who championed an educational system that rejected traditional schooling where pupils were dictated to by a teacher. Unschooling children would learn at their own pace and discovered education through experience of cookery, playing, personal hobbies, work experience, social behavioural methods and group classes. … Read more

Classical Education – Homeschool Method

“A Classical Education” – The Classical Homeschool Method Classical homeschooling has been around for many years. This method has been taught by people who were known to be the “greatest minds” in history! The classical approach to homeschooling prepares the student to be able to learn on their own. “The classic tools for learning are … Read more

Charlotte Mason Homeschooling Method

A few thoughts about the Charlotte Mason Homeschooling Method Thinking about homeschooling your children? One suggestion of a great way to teach your children from home is the Charlotte Mason Homeschooling Method. One of the most popular methods for homeschoolers is the Charlotte Mason Homeschooling Method! This method will allow the children to experience “hands … Read more