
Homeschool.co.uk is a place where we can all grow as parents, homeschoolers and educators (and as writers). It’s a place to share some of what we’ve learned with new readers looking to improve their parenting, teaching or looking for support and information. That’s what Homeschool.co.uk is about at its core: parents, children and education.

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I’m passionate about Homeschooling, Family, Technology and Education. They’re the first thing I think about when I wake up, and often the last I do at night. This website is dedicated to helping you find out more about education outside of schools.

What does “homeschooling” or “home education” mean?  In much the same that we learn at school or university, so we can learn at home or in the workplace,  only we hope to encourage you to make it more interesting and less pressured. We focus on what interests you,  hopefully adding success to your homeschooling life through the formation of good friendship and positive habits. This site is designed to provide you with articles and information, uplifting-quotes, stories, and strategies for learning and teaching, and achieving the goals you have set for yourself. I also offer, books, videos, links, and if you are a writer an opportunity to write and publish articles about homeschool life. Take some time to browse through our topics and if you are interested in any of our services, please contact us! Enjoy! Roland Munyard, – Founder of Homeschool.co.uk!

This website is about pursuing education outside of what is know and contemporary schooling, either by ‘homeschooling’ or by engaging in activities outside of what is thought of as  “normal schooling”.

Only the educated are free. – Epictetus


Queensland, Australia

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