Activities and Things to do with Toddlers

Things to do with toddlers and children- by Lydia Munyard

Things to do with Toddlers

  1. Finger painting
  2. Playing with play dough
  3. Biscuit baking
  4. Icing biscuits
  5. Cooking of any kind
  6. Colour sorting with Lego
  7. Dancing and Singing to music
  8. Colouring and drawing of any kind
  9. Blowing bubbles
  10. Hide and Seek
  11. Playing in the Sand box
  12. Singing
  13. Cutting and Tearing
  14. Bag in a Basket
  15. Playing Ball
  16. Instrument playing
  17. Playing Somebody\’s coming and hiding
  18. Feeding the birds
  19. Reading
  20. Puzzles
  21. Playing house
  22. Shakers
  23. Farms
  24. Sounds
  25. Pointing
  26. Collecting things
  27. Building blocks
  28. Picnicing
  29. Dressing up
  30. Peek a Boo
  31. Tea Parties
  32. Playing with water
  33. Sleeping animal
  34. Row your boat
  35. Throwing up in the air
  36. Drawing
  37. Chasing around the house
  38. Playing dolls
  39. Families
  40. Lego
  41. Hungry frogs
  42. Games
  43. Making cities
  44. Playing animals
  45. Picking flowers
  46. Playing babies
  47. Tearing, scrunching, cutting paper
  48. Playing in the garden
  49. Playing with pots and pans
  50. Playing shops
  51. Pretending to talk on the telephone
  52. Talk about the day before going to bed, try get thing in sequence, talk about tomorrow and what you plan to do.
  53. Talk about things while you do them, explain what you are doing and why. i.e. lets put on your shoes, left foot first, now the other leg. This foot is your right foot, Which hand is your right hand? and on and on.
  54. Play What If – What if the sky was green and the grass and trees were blue? What if we all walked backwards? …
  55. Feeling – put some things in a box with tissue paper or crepe paper and try and feel what they are.
  56. Swimming
  57. have a picnic in the lounge, or in the garden.
  58. collect and listen to well constructed Christian music for toddlers.
  59. give name to all the cuddly toys (write the names down somewhere so you don\’t forget years later)
  60. Throw bean bags with different hands crossing mid line of their bodies.
  61. Picking up objects with a clothes peg.

## Things to do with slightly older children.

  1. Just be with your kids, talk to them, relate to them. Remember you can\’t make quality time it just happens if you spend long enough with them.
  2. Play board games together as a family.
  3. Build up a collection of jokes and tell them to one another.
  4. Make up stories and tell them to one another, (I wish I had tapes some of the ones we told each other)
  5. Making pizzas
  6. Puzzles
  7. Picking fruit and making jam.
  8. Cycling
  9. Bowling
  10. Swimming
  11. Ceramic painting – nice for the whole family
  12. Making a go-cart
  13. Build a tree house
  14. Teaching the children to lay the table – chores
  15. Teach Cross-stitch to young girls.
  16. Sewing
  17. Reading
  18. Invest in a swing ball and play together in the garden.
  19. Volley ball
  20. Get old toys and things and wrap them up in newspaper and play pass the parcel to the sound of music, kids love getting there old things back.
  21. Talk about money and how it works. Why is it important?
  22. See a show, first buy the video (eg. Joseph and his technicolour dreamcoat), then see the live show, then by the music CD. The value of your investment is repeated many times.
  23. Play computer games with your kids, ask them to show you how.
  24. Let them make up a story and you write it down for them, make your own simple book.
  25. Play marbles.
  26. Write your own newspapers.
  27. Who, when, where homemade cards (eg. who – the postman, when – on Friday, where – on the corner and then make up a sentence). As different cards are put together some funny stories emerge.
  28. The shopping game – eg. first person starts, I went to the shop and bought an apple, seconds person repeats first and adds their item, continue adding and see how many you can get to without faulting.
  29. Art & Craft – draw on tissue paper with ear bud dipped in bleach; draw with candle or wax crayon, then wash over with diluted food colouring to make picture; hold crayon under burning flame and then dot melted wax around paper to make a picture; colour all over white sheet of paper with different coloured wax crayons then go over with black crayon, then make picture drawing with a toothpick; make small pieces of coloured paper and make a picture from it eg. blue pieces for sky; paint picture on one side and fold over to mirror image eg. butterflies; plastic cold drink bottle, cut out shapes from that and dip earbuds into glass paint and decorate plastic shapes and make fridge magnets; ink drawing with straws; put paint, water and dishwashing liquid into a round yogurt tub and then blow the paint with straws and make bubble pictures.
  30. Chargoal drawing.
  31. Teach life skills eg. make a circle of friends by cutting strips of paper and finding good qualities about others to write on strips, link the strips together and make a chain; make rectangles out of cardboard, write affirmations on each brick and build together to make a friendship wall; talk about the b\’s eg. be helpful, be kind, be loving, be caring etc.

Things to do with your Teens

Find some activity that will allow you to have at least 30 minutes each week to spend with each of your teens, to talk and chat, go for a walk. My neighbour goes surfing a couple of times a week with his teenage son at about 5 am. That give him a 30 minute car journey each way to the beach and probably an hour or more surf time.

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