Activities and Things to do with Toddlers

Things to do with toddlers and children- by Lydia Munyard Things to do with Toddlers Finger painting Playing with play dough Biscuit baking Icing biscuits Cooking of any kind Colour sorting with Lego Dancing and Singing to music Colouring and drawing of any kind Blowing bubbles Hide and Seek Playing in the Sand box Singing … Read more

The Power of Television

The Power of Television by Martin Ward About 18 years ago I read Malcom Muggeridge’s book "Christ and the Media" which was a real eye-opener. The most telling passage is where he discusses how what we see (via television) enters directly into our minds with hardly any chance of being questioned, while what we read … Read more

Thoughts about Homeschooling

Tips about homeschool and home education Homeschooled children are not sent to school, they are lead into a better and more fulfilling education by our daily example, by careful productive nurturing, individual tuition and personal attention. Who else knows, understands and loves your child better than you yourself. Consider how well your child already knows … Read more

Car Activities – Schooling while traveling.

Car Schooling and Travel Games This article was originally on the forum at and written in Wed Sep 11, 2002 4:58 pm Post subject: Car Activities – Schooling while traveling. I posted the following question on the Duet6v7 list. "We seem to spend a fair amount of time in the car, any suggestions, actives … Read more

Nation Identity Scheme for Children in the UK

Nation Identity Scheme for Children in the UK John Clare, the Education Correspondent for The Daily Telegraph, recently received and responded to a letter from a school governor disturbed by an extension of the annual school census. Introduced in 1996, this census has been used by the British Department for Education and Skills (DfES) to … Read more