Article comparing Homeschooled Students – The Evening Standard on the 14th of August 2000.

In 2000 as a homeschooling father and commuter, I often read the Evening Standard on the SWT Train traveling home from London to Guildford. Below is an article which interested me and which I am republishing 13 years later, This article first appeared in the Evening Standard on the 14th of August 2000. Homeschooling – … Read more

National Identity Scheme for Children in the UK

U.K. NATIONAL IDENTITY SCHEME FOR CHILDREN John Clare, the Education Correspondent for The Daily Telegraph, recently received and responded to a letter from a school governor disturbed by an extension of the annual school census. Introduced in 1996, this census has been used by the British Department for Education and Skills (DfES) to annually collect … Read more

A list of secular Homeschooling Books

Recommended Secular Booklist This is brief list of secular homeschooling books I am happy to recommend, books naturally age as do the ideas they contain, however since there is nothing new under the sun it prudent ti revisit some of the older books we love. lbert, David H. And the Skylark Sings to Me Andreola, … Read more

Manage your own Family Business

Family Business I am particularly keen to get my family interested and involved with managing and profiting from our own family business. This page is the limit of my current knowledge, I would be delighted if you could offer a few tips, alternately read and enjoy. ### Treat Your Business Like a Business and Your … Read more