Home Education Book List from 2003

Home Education and Family Book Details by Subject, Title, Author # 1033 Buy in UK Buy in USA Survivors Guide to Home SchoolingLuanne Shackleford and Susan White – Goodnews Crossway 0891075038A wonderful book full of encouraging ideas about how to really tackle the job of educating whilst keeping house. Written by two home teaching moms, … Read more

Booklist by Category and Subject

Books by Category and Subject: This list can sometimes take quite long to load. Aspergers Books Gifted Books Handwriting Books Classic Gifted Books Logic Unschooling Vaccine Teenagers Top 10 Books 2007 2010

Unschooling Home School Method

It was a public education officer by the name of John Holt who championed an educational system that rejected traditional schooling where pupils were dictated to by a teacher. Unschooling children would learn at their own pace and discovered education through experience of cookery, playing, personal hobbies, work experience, social behavioural methods and group classes. … Read more

Watch what you Watch

Is your living room the site of daily murders? Do you routinely entertain guests who swear at you and make fun of your faith? Have you ever had somebody drop by and try to convince you that sexual sin is a joking matter and that violence is entertaining? You’ve had all these things happen in … Read more