English and British Historical Doggerel

English and British Historical Doggerel by Dr. Donald Stevens These are little rhymes to try to fix historical dates in one’s mind. They make no pretence to poetry. They are purely practical. They are mainly in sequence of date, and are mostly concerned with English/British history. I have occasionally indicated a forced pronunciation to help … Read more

The Great Historical Sandwich

The Great Historical Sandwich by Dr. D. M. Stevens A frame-work of reference for students of history (* indicates a “link”: see end) History is one of the most difficult subjects to grasp. There is so much material, so many dates and facts and people. However, once a frame-work is established, you can relate other … Read more

The Bach Remedies

THE BACH REMEDIES by Dr David R. Sim The great advantage of educating a child at home is that the opportunity is increased for inspiring the learner with a sound system of ethics and an acceptable morality. Such an acquisition gives the child a head start in repudiating the negative onslaught on civilized values so … Read more

An Article about Teaching and Tuition

by Dr Donald Stevens TEACHING (Note: the term "student" includes "pupil") Teaching is pragmatic: its effectiveness is judged by the result. If the students learn, the teaching is successful; if they don’t, it is not. We must face the facts: there are people who simply cannot teach; and some of them refuse to acknowledge the … Read more

The State of Education

The State of Education by Dr. D. M. Stevens The state of education in this country today is truly deplorable. Education has become debased (some think, deliberately) from nursery schools to universities. It is a trite excuse to blame the government for every disaster, but in this case it is the governments of the country … Read more