Examples of Self Directed Education

I remain interested in the pursuits and method of self educated individuals. I see in them a dim refection of my own ideas around optimism, independence, self reliance and distrust of existing systems of educations, or that the very least a desire to know, understand and do.

### 1. **Scott Young**
– **Project:** *The MIT Challenge*
– **Details:** Scott Young famously completed MIT’s 4-year computer science curriculum in one year by following the course syllabi, using online resources like OpenCourseWare, and taking the same exams as MIT students. He didn’t receive a formal degree but gained the equivalent knowledge.

### 2. **Isaac Morehouse**
– **Project:** *Praxis*
– **Details:** Isaac Morehouse is the founder of Praxis, a startup that offers a college alternative combining education and apprenticeships. Praxis focuses on self-directed learning and gaining real-world experience, often in entrepreneurial settings.

### 3. **Alan Turing**
– **Details:** Alan Turing, one of the fathers of computer science, pursued a largely self-directed education. Though he attended university, much of his foundational work in mathematics and logic was driven by his own curiosity and research outside formal education.

### 4. **Tim Ferriss**
– **Project:** *The 4-Hour Chef*
– **Details:** In his book, Ferriss discusses the concept of “meta-learning,” which involves teaching yourself how to learn efficiently across various subjects. Though not a DIY degree in the traditional sense, his approach is rooted in self-directed learning.

### 5. **James Altucher**
– **Details:** James Altucher, an entrepreneur and writer, has advocated for skipping college altogether in favor of self-directed learning and entrepreneurship. He’s written extensively about the benefits of creating your own educational path and focusing on practical skills.

### 6. **UnCollege Movement**
– **Founder:** Dale J. Stephens
– **Details:** The UnCollege movement, started by Dale J. Stephens, encourages students to skip traditional college and pursue a self-directed education. The movement offers a gap year program called the “UnCollege Gap Year,” which provides resources, mentorship, and a structured environment for self-directed learning.

### 7. **Peter Thiel’s 20 Under 20 Fellowship**
– **Details:** Tech entrepreneur Peter Thiel started a fellowship that pays students $100,000 to drop out of college and pursue entrepreneurial ventures instead. While not exactly a DIY degree, it encourages self-directed learning and building practical skills through real-world experience.

### 8. **Salman Khan**
– **Project:** *Khan Academy*
– **Details:** While Khan Academy is more of a supplementary resource, Salman Khan’s vision is rooted in making self-directed learning accessible to everyone. The platform allows individuals to structure their own education in subjects ranging from mathematics to history.

### 9. **Michael Ellsberg**
– **Project:** *The Education of Millionaires*
– **Details:** In his book, Michael Ellsberg argues that the most valuable skills for financial success aren’t taught in traditional schools. He advocates for self-directed learning, focusing on skills like networking, marketing, and entrepreneurship, often learned outside the classroom.

### 10. **John Taylor Gatto**
– **Details:** A former teacher and educational reformer, John Taylor Gatto criticized the traditional education system and promoted self-directed learning. His book *Dumbing Us Down* discusses the limitations of formal education and the benefits of a more individualized approach.

### 11. **Tara Westover**
– **Project:** *Educated*
– **Details:** Tara Westover’s memoir *Educated* chronicles her journey from growing up in a strict, survivalist family without formal schooling to earning a Ph.D. from Cambridge University. Although she eventually entered the formal education system, much of her early learning was self-directed.

### 12. **Zach Sims and Ryan Bubinski**
– **Project:** *Codecademy*
– **Details:** Founders of Codecademy, a platform that offers free coding classes, Zach Sims and Ryan Bubinski have created an alternative to traditional computer science degrees. Codecademy allows users to learn programming at their own pace and often in a more practical, hands-on way.

### 13. **Seth Godin**
– **Project:** *altMBA*
– **Details:** Seth Godin, a marketing expert and entrepreneur, created the altMBA, a month-long online workshop that focuses on leadership, marketing, and creative problem-solving. It’s designed as an alternative to traditional MBA programs, emphasizing real-world application and peer learning.

### 14. **Benjamin Franklin**
– **Details:** One of America’s Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin was largely self-educated. He read voraciously, taught himself multiple languages, and gained expertise in a wide range of subjects from science to politics, all without formal education. He even founded the Junto, a self-improvement group for mutual learning.

### 15. **Ryan Holiday**
– **Details:** A college dropout, Ryan Holiday is a successful author and media strategist who advocates for self-education. He’s written about the value of learning through reading, writing, and real-world experience, rather than relying solely on formal education.

### 16. **Maggie Doyne**
– **Project:** *BlinkNow Foundation*
– **Details:** Maggie Doyne skipped college to travel and ended up founding the BlinkNow Foundation in Nepal, which provides education, healthcare, and community support. Her work is a testament to learning through doing and the impact of real-world experiences.

### 17. **The Open University**
– **Details:** While not DIY in the traditional sense, The Open University in the UK offers distance learning and flexible courses that allow students to structure their own education. Many students use it to pursue self-directed degrees while working or managing other commitments.

### 18. **Jack Andraka**
– **Details:** As a teenager, Jack Andraka developed a groundbreaking test for pancreatic cancer after teaching himself about the disease using online resources and scientific journals. His success story is an example of how self-directed learning can lead to significant achievements.

### 19. **Elizabeth Holmes**
– **Project:** *Theranos*
– **Details:** Elizabeth Holmes, who founded Theranos, dropped out of Stanford to pursue her startup full-time. While her story is controversial due to the eventual downfall of Theranos, it highlights the path of self-directed learning and entrepreneurship without completing a formal degree.

### 20. **The Homeschooling Movement**
– **Details:** The homeschooling movement is another example where self-directed education plays a key role. Many homeschooled students follow customized curricula designed by their parents or themselves, often leading to a more personalized and interest-driven education.

### 21. **Malcolm X**
– **Details:** While in prison, Malcolm X educated himself by reading extensively and studying philosophy, history, and religion. His self-directed learning played a crucial role in his development as a leader and thinker in the Civil Rights Movement.

### 22. **Richard Branson**
– **Details:** Richard Branson, the founder of the Virgin Group, dropped out of school at 16 to start a magazine. He’s an advocate for learning by doing and has built a business empire through practical experience rather than formal education.

### 23. **Steve Jobs**
– **Details:** Steve Jobs dropped out of Reed College after just one semester but continued to audit classes that interested him, such as calligraphy, which later influenced the design of Apple products. His story is a classic example of pursuing passion and self-directed learning outside traditional academic paths.

### 24. **Elon Musk**
– **Details:** Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has often spoken about how he educated himself on a variety of complex subjects like rocket science, physics, and engineering through reading and hands-on experimentation. Musk’s approach to learning is highly self-directed and project-driven.

### 25. **Abraham Lincoln**
– **Details:** Largely self-taught, Abraham Lincoln had little formal schooling and educated himself by reading books and studying law independently. He eventually became one of the most revered presidents in American history.

### 26. **Mark Zuckerberg**
– **Details:** Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, dropped out of Harvard to focus on building his company. He is known for being a self-directed learner, often diving deeply into technical subjects and business strategies on his own.

### 27. **Leonardo da Vinci**
– **Details:** Leonardo da Vinci, the quintessential Renaissance man, was largely self-taught in many disciplines, including anatomy, engineering, and art. His notebooks reveal a curious mind constantly learning and experimenting with new ideas.

### 28. **Thomas Edison**
– **Details:** Thomas Edison, the prolific inventor, had only a few months of formal schooling and was largely self-educated through reading and experimentation. His lifelong curiosity and hands-on approach to learning led to numerous inventions that shaped modern life.

### 29. **Arnold Schwarzenegger**
– **Details:** Arnold Schwarzenegger, actor, and former governor of California, is known for his self-directed approach to learning. He famously used libraries to teach himself about business, politics, and self-improvement, all of which contributed to his diverse and successful career.

### 30. **Derek Sivers**
– **Project:** *CD Baby*
– **Details:** Derek Sivers, the founder of CD Baby, is an advocate for self-directed learning and unconventional paths. He’s written extensively about his experiences in entrepreneurship and life, emphasizing learning through doing rather than formal education.

### 31. **Yvon Chouinard**
– **Project:** *Patagonia*
– **Details:** Yvon Chouinard, the founder of Patagonia, is an environmentalist and entrepreneur who never pursued a formal business education. Instead, he learned through experience and built a company that reflects his values and passion for the outdoors.

### 32. **Andrew Carnegie**
– **Details:** Scottish-American industrialist Andrew Carnegie was largely self-educated. Despite his humble beginnings, he became one of the wealthiest individuals of his time by reading voraciously and teaching himself about business, economics, and philanthropy.

### 33. **The Montessori Method**
– **Details:** The Montessori educational method, founded by Maria Montessori, emphasizes self-directed, hands-on learning, allowing children to explore subjects at their own pace and according to their interests. It’s a formalized version of self-directed education, particularly at the primary level.

### 34. **Tavi Gevinson**
– **Project:** *Rookie Magazine*
– **Details:** Tavi Gevinson started Rookie Magazine, a fashion blog, at age 12. She taught herself the ins and outs of writing, editing, and publishing, growing her blog into a widely respected platform for teenage girls, all while balancing her education.

### 35. **Chris Guillebeau**
– **Project:** *The Art of Non-Conformity*
– **Details:** Chris Guillebeau, author and entrepreneur, advocates for self-directed education and unconventional career paths. His work encourages people to pursue their passions and learn through experience rather than traditional educational routes.

### 36. **David Karp**
– **Project:** *Tumblr*
– **Details:** David Karp, the founder of Tumblr, dropped out of high school at age 15 to pursue his career in technology. He learned programming and business skills through hands-on experience and self-study, eventually creating one of the most popular blogging platforms.

### 37. **Nick Winter**
– **Project:** *The Motivation Hacker*
– **Details:** Nick Winter is an entrepreneur and author who wrote *The Motivation Hacker*, where he details how he taught himself various skills, such as programming, Japanese, and piano, through intense, self-directed projects aimed at maximizing productivity.

### 38. **The Great Books Program**
– **Details:** This program, often pursued by autodidacts, involves reading and studying the foundational texts of Western literature, philosophy, and science. Many people have undertaken this rigorous self-education program independently, using it as a guide for their intellectual development.

### 39. **The DIYBio Movement**
– **Details:** The DIYBio (Do-It-Yourself Biology) movement involves individuals conducting biology experiments outside of traditional academic or corporate labs. Participants often teach themselves the necessary scientific skills and techniques, emphasizing hands-on learning and open collaboration.

### 40. **Benjamin Bloom**
– **Details:** Benjamin Bloom, an educational psychologist, developed Bloom’s Taxonomy, a framework for categorizing educational goals. His work supports the idea that students can achieve higher levels of understanding through self-directed learning, where they engage deeply with materials rather than passively receiving information.

### 41. **Diana Nyad**
– **Details:** Diana Nyad, the long-distance swimmer who achieved her dream of swimming from Cuba to Florida at age 64, is an example of learning and self-improvement through rigorous self-training and mental preparation, demonstrating self-directed achievement.

### 42. **James Cameron**
– **Details:** Filmmaker James Cameron is known for his work on groundbreaking movies like *Avatar* and *Titanic*. He had no formal film training but learned filmmaking through hands-on experience and self-directed study, including creating his own special effects techniques.

### 43. **Nassim Nicholas Taleb**
– **Project:** *Antifragile* and *The Black Swan*
– **Details:** Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a scholar and author, has a background in finance and philosophy but is largely self-taught in the concepts he writes about. His work focuses on understanding uncertainty and risk, developed through personal study and practical experience.

### 44. **Marie Forleo**
– **Project:** *B-School*
– **Details:** Marie Forleo, an entrepreneur and author, created B-School, an online business training program. She emphasizes practical, self-directed learning and has built a successful career through a mix of self-education and real-world experience.

### 45. **Maya Angelou**
– **Details:** Renowned author and poet Maya Angelou had limited formal education but became a celebrated writer and activist through her life experiences, self-study, and a deep engagement with literature and culture.

### 46. **J.K. Rowling**
– **Details:** J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, is an example of someone who developed her writing skills largely through self-directed study and practice. Her success came from honing her craft through writing and learning from her experiences.

### 47. **Tina Roth Eisenberg**
– **Project:** *Tattly* and *CreativeMornings*
– **Details:** Tina Roth Eisenberg, a Swiss designer and entrepreneur, built her career and businesses, including Tattly (a temporary tattoo company) and CreativeMornings (a global lecture series), through a combination of self-education and hands-on experience.

### 48. **Derek Sivers**
– **Project:** *Sivers.org*
– **Details:** Derek Sivers, known for his work with CD Baby, writes about his experiences and lessons learned through self-directed learning on his blog, Sivers.org. He shares insights on entrepreneurship, productivity, and life philosophy.

### 49. **Jan Koum**
– **Details:** Jan Koum, the co-founder of WhatsApp, is an example of someone who achieved success through self-taught programming and entrepreneurial skills. Koum’s story highlights the impact of self-directed learning in the tech industry.

### 50. **Arianna Huffington**
– **Project:** *Thrive Global*
– **Details:** Arianna Huffington, the founder of The Huffington Post and Thrive Global, emphasizes the importance of self-care and well-being. Her approach integrates personal learning and growth, advocating for self-directed exploration of health and productivity.

### 51. **Nia DaCosta**
– **Project:** *Candyman (2021)*
– **Details:** Nia DaCosta, a filmmaker, is an example of someone who pursued her passion for directing through a mix of self-study, independent projects, and hands-on experience, ultimately directing a major film.

### 52. **Peter Thiel**
– **Project:** *Thiel Fellowship*
– **Details:** Peter Thiel’s Thiel Fellowship offers young entrepreneurs $100,000 to drop out of college and pursue innovative projects. The fellowship encourages self-directed learning and entrepreneurship outside traditional academic paths.

### 53. **Andrew W. Mellon**
– **Details:** Andrew Mellon, an industrialist and philanthropist, was largely self-educated and applied his knowledge to successful business ventures and philanthropy. His approach to learning and business was shaped by practical experience and self-study.

### 54. **Graham Hancock**
– **Details:** Graham Hancock, an author and journalist known for his unconventional theories on ancient history, is largely self-taught in archaeology and history. His work is a testament to self-directed research and learning.

### 55. **Paul Graham**
– **Project:** *Y Combinator*
– **Details:** Paul Graham, co-founder of Y Combinator, is an example of someone who has applied self-directed learning to entrepreneurship and technology. His essays and insights on startup culture reflect a deep understanding gained through experience and self-study.

### 56. **Arielle Ford**
– **Project:** *The Soulmate Secret*
– **Details:** Arielle Ford, a relationship expert and author, developed her expertise through self-study and practical experience. Her work emphasizes self-directed learning in personal development and relationships.

### 57. **Alain de Botton**
– **Project:** *The School of Life*
– **Details:** Alain de Botton founded The School of Life, which offers self-directed learning and practical wisdom on various aspects of life, including relationships, work, and personal development. His approach blends self-education with practical application.

### 58. **Elizabeth Gilbert**
– **Project:** *Eat Pray Love*
– **Details:** Elizabeth Gilbert, author of *Eat Pray Love*, pursued a self-directed journey of self-discovery and personal growth, sharing her experiences and insights through her writing.

### 59. **David Allen**
– **Project:** *Getting Things Done*
– **Details:** David Allen, the creator of the Getting Things Done (GTD) productivity method, developed his system through a mix of self-directed study and practical application, emphasizing personal productivity and organization.

### 60. **Tim O’Reilly**
– **Project:** *O’Reilly Media*
– **Details:** Tim O’Reilly, founder of O’Reilly Media, is known for his self-directed approach to learning and publishing. O’Reilly Media is known for its practical guides and resources on technology and entrepreneurship.

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