The Man, Michael Farris

The Man, Michael Farris Constitutional lawyer and the man who founded the Home School Legal Defence Association, Michael Farris, is a chancellor at the Patrick Henry College and promotes the institution as a Christian base for training with a method to impact “for Christ and liberty.” Farris opened the college in 2000, when he was … Read more

The Importance of Music in Education

The Importance of Music in Education Why is music important in education? This might be the question that keeps on bothering you right now. Well, you have to know that music plays a very significant role in the overall development process of your child. This process involves 3 life aspects such as intellectually, emotionally and … Read more

Quotes about Homeschooling and Education

Homeschooling and Education Quotations A large collection of homeschooling quotes collected over a period of about 12 years Quotations about Homeschooling and Education …the truth is mothers – and fathers – exert far more influence over their children’s intellectual development than is commonly realised. In fact, more than three decades of research shows that families … Read more

Home Education Book List from 2003

Home Education and Family Book Details by Subject, Title, Author # 1033 Buy in UK Buy in USA Survivors Guide to Home SchoolingLuanne Shackleford and Susan White – Goodnews Crossway 0891075038A wonderful book full of encouraging ideas about how to really tackle the job of educating whilst keeping house. Written by two home teaching moms, … Read more