The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling

A collection of insights about the advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling. Homeschooling is becoming increasing popular each day. The Pros of Homeschooling The advantages of homeschooling include the following: Control what your children learn , both when and how they learn (if this is not important why are governments etc so keen to have control … Read more

Songs and Poems for Young Children

A Huge collection of Songs and Poems for Children. You will find many poems suitable for teaching young children. – I would love you to contribute more songs. THE VULTURE The vulture eats between his meals And that’s the reason why He very, very rarely feels As well as you or I. His eye is … Read more

Art and the Bible – Reasons to be creative

Art and the Bible Francis A Schaeffer edited from "Some Perspectives on Art" As Christians we know why a work of art has value. Why? First, because a work of art is a work of creativity, and creativity has value because God is the Creator. The first sentence in the Bible declares "In the beginning … Read more